With sympathy...our thoughts and prayers are with you during this time.
We know how trying times can be when handling the death of a loved one. Let us help guide you through what we need for a deceased member account.
The Clerk of Court in your county will help you determine the direction that you need to take during this time. You will need to make an appointment with them first to discuss your options and obtain the necessary form(s).
In order to help us proceed, we will need the following documents:
- Death Certificate (original¹)
- One of the following (original¹)
- Letter of Testamentary
- Letter of Administration
- Affidavit for Collection
- Appointment of Collector
Each individual situation will determine the appropriate form(s) that will be required. The Clerk of Court will help make this decision.
¹Original copies required, to be returned to member once verified. Other documentation may be required depending on each individual situation. Required documents based on NC law. Required forms may vary based on state of residence.